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Easter is a festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day of his burial after his Crucifixion. Christian community believes that resurrection proves Jesus claim that he can die for the sins of other and come back to life again which give hope to Christians that they too will experience resurrection in heaven.

Way of excecution and activities Easter

The Purest meaning of Easter is the celebration of rising of Jesus Christ to heaven considered as the foundation of Christianity. It is believed that Easter Sunday is the reminder to all Christians about the heavenly call and the open door to reach god through Jesus. Easter is a period of forty day fasting, prayer and penance for the entire Christian community. Easter festival consists of four days Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter day. Maundy Thursday has two important events one Jesus celebrated the Passover known as the last supper with his disciples and the second he washed the feet of his disciples as an act of humility and service. Good Friday is celebrated traditionally as the day Jesus Christ was crucified. Holy Saturday is the day Christians believe that Jesus has rested from his work after providing salvation. Easter Sunday is celebrated as the resurrection day of Jesus Christ and this day marks the end of forty day fasting and penance. The rituals and traditions associated with this festival vary from place to place due to cultural differences, and some of the rituals are common to all. Some of the Easter Traditions and Customs are Easter Egg Hunt, Decoration of Eggs, Church Service and Easter Feast.

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  • Easter is celebrated all over the world by Christians and considered as the sacred festival for them.

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